Friday, June 26, 2020

Scholarship Requirements in Germany – University Admission Requirements | Scholarship

So many young adults desire to study in Germany but…… how can this be. Though there are numerous courses, degree programs, and some of the highly-rated universities in the world are located in the country, yet there are requirements students need to meet. Not just all kinds of requirement, but scholarship requirements in Germany. Checkout for the following requirements you are expected to meet.Scholarship Requirements in Germany

Scholarship Requirements in Germany

We relate the requirements as per university because it may differ.  Also, a program study should be considered as an essential step to studying in Germany.

As I said, a study program is a key step to figure out before you can access the university admission requirements. So when you are done, then check out for the criteria for the study program of universities in Germany. This is will help you to meet the university’s requirements as it helps them consider your qualifications.

Note: if your school leaving certificate is not achieved within Germany, you have to attend a one-year preparatory course known as Studienkolleg. It is very important as most universities require them. Then for those students who are not from the European countries will have to undergo the aptitude test known as “TestAs”.

Also, language is another criterion because situations, whereby you need to provide proof of German Proficiency, may arise and you need to provide scores. Won’t you like to know the required documents paramount to every university? They are as follows

  • Certified copy of the high school diploma
  • Proof of language proficiency
  • Passport photo.
  • All other recognized academic certificates.
  • Presentable application form.
  • Translated overview of the modules and grades.

Some other related documents to present includes

  • Financial proof

The need for this will come as a result of Visa while you study in Germany. As long as you are not a citizen of the country, you will need a Visa to study in Germany. So when accessing this process, you will be demanded to prove your financial means. Now for you to cover your expense as a student, you may need about €853 per month and about €10,236 for a year.


This is another criterion that provides you with an option of accommodation. You can select between being an international student in Germany or choose the German halls of residence, private apartments or choose to share a flat. Most times, the financial problem may arise as a result of high house rent in Germany. It is not at all cheap.

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